links for example, anyone who wishes to participate, get in touch! we welcome any suggestions in this crowdsourced University.
because so many of the upperclassmen were majoring in psychobio, there was such a high level of DMSV presenting...and then 85% of the students had some kind of mental disorder, and then Mina's dad had said elite academe, (particularly because he was divorced of course and left) was the most mentally deranged environment but we started to put two and two together and mental illness is just ubiquitous, it's not just this sort of person or that but wherever eucatastrophe disappears it sets Uriel's was probably born right there though, we didn't realize it at the time.
Viene e Varcare la soglia della valangaverse per una visita al vangelo.
here is where we put the cor curriculum pages, should be simple, clear and accessible, like the doorway to anything. the oldest university still in operation seems to be in Fez, Morocco. Next in line is unibo. unibo has a 200px header so it works.Tov Ha or etc. put in greek and stuff so as to be universal. The motto of unibo is "alma mater studiorum" which means nourishing mother of studies. It is almost one thousand years old. the goal here is to approach the thesis of Jesus from a phenomenological perspective, with as much rigor as any intellectual devotes to anything, but without guile or pretext because if it is true, then everything will tend to show that in the end. if angelic intelligences have existence and love, and are not merely a "projection" of human desire, (why one wonders does desire exist at all if not to be satisfied) then, they will surely be in favor of this proposal and put the considerable advantage of their backing behind it, which is a consolinng consideration to say the least.
visitors to the valangaversedone on Saturdays or all together during a vacation week. If the angels want it to happen they will build it up with us the way it should be.
Frassti/Pasolini if people are curious about the name of the Valanga.
- Fantasy
This corresponds to art music religion etc.
- Philosophy
This corresponds to the social sciences such as politics, economics etc.
- Flora and fauna
This corresponds to natural sciences and mathematics etc.