You can contribute here if you like this stuff and have an extra fiddy cents to spare, but don't advertise it necessarily--or if you do, don't mention the mission of the Valanga just yet-- because the blowback is liable to blow us to Bimini and we don't have a boat to get back. the balanga may sound vaguely mobsterish, but its nameed for a blessed not a birbone. :Feed the forge.


by Milk Dud, (issues of Engelquirer are thought to be written on biscotti wrappers, and are believed to be available at the Engelblau "Caffe Sospeso" Espresso Bar which will be built on earth as it is in heaven, if people want it and contribute to it.
all proceeds to fund the Paradise Project, 2022-2023.

The genre of this sort of writing might be "farcical fantasy".
to learn more, take the course on fantasy, which focuses on Tolkien because of his philosophy of fantasy. Tolkien, a quietly devout Catholic, did not consider the fantasy genre merely an escape, nor suitable primarily for children and the unlettered, but rather,
a necessary prerequisite to understand the Metareality as it were of the Eucharist.
Many intellectuals went insane as a result of the existential crisis; Tolkien instead turned to what Marx called "the opiate of the people", religion, and fused it with ancient myths to create a psychologically coherent and sophisticated apology for the Body of Christ that was in every way equipped to answer modern sensibilities. Framing the angels (and musicians) as "paradise promoters" who take fake news to court is not only reminiscent of the Trial of Jesus being redone in reverse, but is a subtle jab at the Saul Alinkski agiprop cohorts, since angels are typically discreet to the point of invisibility, yet as badass as anything. The scientific mind would research what this might mean for reality. A

As to the choice of Klee's Listening angel as the visual rendering of Engelblau, this has its logic as well. Tolkien had access to the northern myths, artifacts from a time and place where human contact with angels (ir real, we must always add the proviso) was direct and childlike, since humans had not developed their intellect as they had done further south, due largely to the cold weather anSince angels as noted are usually invisible, and in any case when they do appear in the vast majority of cases it is to one person alone, we have no way of knowing if the listening angel is an accurate rendering of an angel Klee may have seen as he was dying of scheroderma Klee is perhaps best known through the Angel of History. Benjamin's philosophy of history combined with his views on art in the mechanical age, to Klee's coupled with his suicide to escape the Nazis, But it was Kandinsky, whose uncle was so instrumental in the DSMV, who painted the Blau Reiter and christened the Blau Four. clean it up and continue.

Notorious paradise promoter Engelblau has filed a libel lawsuit against the galactic gossip rag Engelquirer, claiming they had confused him with, in their own words "over the top Iglesias-Liberace wanna-be Engebert Hummerdinner". Hummerdinner, known for humming in an effort to fund his lavish city winery dinners, took to twitter to bash Blau, claiming "this is all about last years' Paradise Got Talent fiacoo when Blau failed to secure recording time at the studio of Al Caponi Baloney due to the fact, Sinatra had already requested it for the iconic "Engelz in. the Night".
Blau fired back, claiming hummerdinner had stolen his Panis Angelicus sheet music.
Bert paid a bunch of "here's your one chance, fancy"' Veagas streetwalkers $25K a head to show up at the riviera hotel calling themsleves the Hummerdinners, Blau complained. while the tiberius or is it Augustus caesar's palace patrons were distracted, Hummer swiped the score.
I'm not allowed to do that, per my contract with Jesus and stuff.
Dammit, said the reporter, that's more than he paid me to write him a favaorable article in Rolling Stone.

Meanwhile, Sergio Luttazzo was agruing with Fra Daneie about a misunderstanding. No, cognome Natale, non banale, the neopolitan said stridently.
Yes, but isn't any natale in a casolare rather banale, said the dissenting author.
At that point, banale bobo damane, a recent addition to the crew, piped up.
Im the. guy named banale, he said. Step Neocities.

In todays friday fantasy farce, we find Engelblau's colleague Uriel, dean of the aquinas-augustine-anselm approved univeristy, in talks with Dreamcoat TM studios over the use of "easy a" by emma stone. That was Zacariah that thought Gabriel was cuckolding him with Elizabeth, not the guidance counsellor and frankly you got the whole story wrong and then you keep recycling it with Hester, Demi and Emma and on and on and on, Uriel said through his attorney, Tony de Bona Fide. All proceeds if there should be any from these favole will go to the Engelblau Caffe Sospeso espresso bar, on earth as ii is in heaven.

Copyright Engels for Jesus 2022. Rights reserved to Jesus, as per "all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go now, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the nominiee patrisbold and italic text.

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