Today we find Jesus about to be trampled by stan fans because he A. was passing out free gift cards to Starbucks. B. was passing out seats on the board of trustees at the WEF. C. was healing anyone who touched him.
The demons were shouting A. this could get ugly. B. you are God! C. you think you are all that!
To which Jesus replied, A. I warn you, do not reveal my identity. B. I warn you, do not try to steal my identity. C. Yeah, actually, you are correct. I am God.
today the feast of St Fabian and sebastian remind us that A. Diocletian didnt like fabian. B. He didnt like Sebastian either. C. Maybe it was nothing personal. D. could be any of these.
In Mark's gospel Jesus gave the aposles the authority to A. Drive out demons. B. expell the pharisees from Jerusalem. C. Drive the price of challah bread up to an unprecedented level.
Mark notes that when Jesus summoned those he wanted, he A. went up the mountain. B. was able to convince them to come to him. C. Both A and B. D. neither A or be.
Someday however here will be no need of teachers of the faith says the letter to the Hebrews, for A. God will be in everyone's heart. B. hte world will blow up and nothing wil remain but copies of fake news. C.The world will be flooded and nothing will remain but soggy beach balls.
The greek word Apostolos means one who A. is highly intelligent and articulate in preaching. B. is sent out. C. is dearly loved for fidelity.
Just to encourage those who may feel unfit for the task, after the resurrection while at breakfast on the shores of the sea,Jesus said to Peter: A. you spineless whimp, you left me alone to die. B. do you want tartar sauce on these fish here? C. Do you love me?
Today Jan 21 the feast of Saint Agnes, an island in A. sicily. B. murmansky Russia. C. the south pole
Jesus was more popular at this point in the story than A. Miley, Billy and Olivia put together. B. well that about tears it. please note, we do not equate the celebrity of Jesus wiht hollywood stars who are manufactured by big biz.
His family thought he was A. off the tree. B. Out the park. C. on the moon. D. all of these.
But infact he was just advocating for A. love. B. economic equality. C. forgiveness as in Julio Jimenez' brother that sort of forgiveness. D. all of these.
When Jesus heard that John had been arrested, he A. visited John's friends and told them all to join the French foreign legion immediately. B. asked Matthew Perry if he had any leftover tickets to Yemen that had not expired. C. went to rural Sicily like Messina Denaro and began to pay the police in Grana Padano because hey we're all human.though we do not recommend taking vendetta as a model of behavior.D. left Nazareth and went somewhere else.
WEEK FOUR. The Pharisees did not have the abilitly to cast out demons (we call it exorcism these days) and that is a pretty good ability to have, so they said, the only reason Jesus can do it is because A. Satan helps him. B. Sacbatani loaned him the tuition to the University of Exorcism in Rome (this is a real place) C. he was the one who put the demon there in the first place hello.
Jesus said A. that's not logical. B. You just don't want to admit that I am holy. C. both A and B.
The pharisees said further that Jesus himself was A. beserk. B. Possessed. C. bogus.
And Jesus warned them not to contradict the spirit in their heart, since A. if you yourself refuse to enter heaven, God is not going to force you to go. B. If you don't like the holy spirit, he's not going to force you to be his friend, though he might weep a bit and carry on about it. C. Both A and B.
FRANCES DE SALES. Jesus said anyone who does the Will of my father is A. my BFF. B My family. C. a member of the temple beth boombazzi.
of course we are free to A. refuse to love God. B. refuse to do what God wishes. C. Both a and B.
Frances de sales is the doctor of A. divinity at Harvard. B. neuropathology at hte univeristy of salamanca. C. divine love.
We are all in fact the children of A. the corn. B. the corn pone mafia. C. God.
Today is the feast of St. Paul, a famous Pharisee-educated Jew who became a A. Jehovahs witness. B. vacuum salesman. C. christian martyr.
It all started when he went to oversee the execution of A. steven. B.Cleveland.C. anybody who was believin.
Steven had a vision of heaven just before being stoned, and Saul probably said to himself A. what did that guy see anyway? B. wha in tarnation is going on around here? C. both A and B.
As Saul rode back to deliver the "yes, he's dead" papers to Festus of Fabiolo or whoever it was, suddenly what happened? A. he was overcome by guilt and garrotted himself. B. He was overcome by joy that he was going to be promoted to Attorney General of Jerusalem. C. Jesus appeared in a blinding light and said "Saul, why are you persecuting me?"
Saul said A."who are you, sir? B. Sir, I was just on my way to trade in these death certificates on a mansion next to Tiberius in Capri. C. I need to check myself into a rehab clinic stat.
Timothy and Titus were A. cousins of Jesus. B. friends of Paul. C. friends of the procurator Pontius Pilate.
Paul left which of them on a Greek isle? A. Tim. B. Tye. C. Win lose or draw.
Why did he do this? A. they had just seen a bootleg copy of Club Paradise on Netflix and were looking for Jimmi Cliff to play reggae music at the Sunday potlucks.B. Get real this was like 30 AD. C. Yeah but what about the time warping angels. D. yeah but ask Einstein and the Higgs Boson post doctorals on that.
Ok sorry. So Jesus says, nobody lights a lamp and A. leaves the room. B. puts it under a bucket. C. burns down a cathedral.
Let your light shine, so that people may know A. Gennariello is cool. B.You are cool. C. God loves us all. D. C is probably the best answer perhaps.
in the letters of Paul, the Bebrews were getting sick of A. sabbat. B. Suffering. C. wars with syria where nobody ever seemed to win.
Wait now, said Paul, A. Don't worry, be happy! B. Is Festus on my tail? C. Let us endure to the end and we shall inherit the free espresso bar of Paradise. D. he didnt really say it like that but C is the closest. This whole technique is a tongue in cheek mockery of standardized tests, which anyone can pass if they can find it in themselves to sit through the test wihout choking of laughter at the waspish premise. See the Frassati code. In other words, Jesus did not reveal the kingdom in a Greek or Arabian university though these were of high quality. He just went into regular churches adn town squares and houses and fishing piers and revealed it there. We should note though that he did use Paul to convert a lot of intellectuals because it's important to study the truth, wherever it may be
Jesus said, to what shall I then compare my kingdom? A. a mansion in Washington D.C. where from I shalt issue washington DC decrees. I can't stand it.B. A tree house in Rivendell where i can bake lembas bread all day (lembas bread is a symbol of the body of christ) C. A small mustard seed which grows into a huge tree becuase God gives it the spirit of life. who is angela merici? Not sure.
A song of the sermon on the mount, performed around the time of Benitos Cherry Moon, which suits the gospel of today jan 29.IF A SONG WOULD SUFFICE TO TEACH US TO BE BLESSEDif a goodo song were enough to make love rain down, we could sing it a million times, and then we wouldnt have to learn how to love (because we would know).
So today Jesus encounters a demon possesse man where: A. in tahe portapotty. B. In the world bank. C. IN a graveyard.
The man cries out A. Jesus, can I have fiddy cents? B. Jesus, can I follow you wherever you go? C. Jesus I beg you by the most high God do not torment me.
Which proves demons A. know who God is and in fact swear by him. B. know who Jesus is and ask him for favors. C. Both a ana B.
Jesus casts out the whole band of unclean angels and they go wehre? A. where they asked to go, which was into a herd of swine. B. straight to Hell by gor and by golly. C. to Mconalds, where they order big macs and shakes and stuff.
what happens then? A. mcdonalds closes for "repairs" to teh portapotty. B. Hell blows up like an overloaded volcano known as mount consumo.C. the swine pitch off the cliff into a nearby sea and die.WEEK FIVE GO HERE